Source code for invenio_cli.commands.assets

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020 CERN.
# Invenio-Cli is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.

"""Invenio module to ease the creation and management of applications."""

import subprocess
from pathlib import Path

import click
from pynpm import NPMPackage

from ..helpers import env
from ..helpers.process import ProcessResponse, run_interactive
from .local import LocalCommands
from .steps import FunctionStep

[docs]class AssetsCommands(LocalCommands): """Local installation commands.""" def __init__(self, cli_config): """Constructor.""" super().__init__(cli_config) @staticmethod def _module_pkg(path): """NPM package for the given path.""" return NPMPackage(Path(path) / "package.json") def _assets_pkg(self): """NPM package for the instance's webpack project.""" return self._module_pkg(self.cli_config.get_instance_path() / "assets") @staticmethod def _watch_js_module(pkg): """Watch the JS module for changes.""" click.secho("Starting watching module...", fg="green") status_code = pkg.run_script("watch") if status_code == 0: return ProcessResponse(output="Watched module successfully.", status_code=0) else: return ProcessResponse( error=f"Unable to set watcher. Got status code {status_code}", status_code=status_code, ) @staticmethod def _run_script(module_pkg): """Run script and return a ProcessResponse.""" status_code = module_pkg.run_script("link-dist") if status_code == 0: return ProcessResponse( output="Module linked correctly to global", status_code=0 ) else: return ProcessResponse( error=f"Unable to link-dist. Got error code {status_code}", status_code=status_code, ) @staticmethod def _npm_install_command(path): """Run command and return a ProcessResponse.""" status_code =["npm", "install", "--prefix", path]) if status_code == 0: return ProcessResponse( output="Dependent packages installed correctly", status_code=0 ) else: return ProcessResponse( error=f"Unable to install dependent packages. " "Got error code {status_code}", status_code=status_code, ) @staticmethod def _build_script(module_pkg): """Run script and return a ProcessResponse.""" status_code = module_pkg.run_script("build") if status_code == 0: return ProcessResponse(output="Built correctly", status_code=0) else: return ProcessResponse( error=f"Unable to build. Got error code {status_code}", status_code=status_code, ) @staticmethod def _assets_link(assets_pkg, module_pkg): try: module_name = module_pkg.package_json["name"] except FileNotFoundError as e: return ProcessResponse( error="No module found on the specified path. " f"File not found {e.filename}", status_code=1, ) status_code = if status_code == 0: return ProcessResponse( output="Global module linked correctly to local folder", status_code=0 ) else: return ProcessResponse( error=f"Unable to link module. Got error code {status_code}", status_code=status_code, )
[docs] def watch_assets(self): """High-level command to watch assets for changes.""" # Commands prefix = ["pipenv", "run"] watch_cmd = prefix + ["invenio", "webpack", "run", "start"] with env(FLASK_ENV="development"): # Collect into statics/ and assets/ folder click.secho( "Starting assets watching (press CTRL+C to stop)...", fg="green" ) run_interactive(watch_cmd, env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"})
[docs] def watch_js_module(self, path, link=True): """High-level command to watch a JS module for changes.""" steps = [] if link: steps.extend(self.link_js_module(path)) steps.append( FunctionStep( func=self._watch_js_module, args={"pkg": self._module_pkg(path)}, message="Starting watching module...", ) ) return steps