Source code for invenio_cli.commands.containers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020 CERN.
# Invenio-Cli is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.

"""Invenio module to ease the creation and management of applications."""

from ..helpers.docker_helper import DockerHelper
from ..helpers.rdm import rdm_version
from .packages import PackagesCommands
from .services import ServicesCommands
from .steps import FunctionStep
from .translations import TranslationsCommands

[docs]class ContainersCommands(ServicesCommands): """Containerized environment CLI commands.""" def __init__(self, cli_config, docker_helper=None): """Constructor.""" docker_helper = docker_helper or DockerHelper( cli_config.get_project_shortname(), local=False ) super().__init__(cli_config, docker_helper)
[docs] def build(self, pull=True, cache=True): """Return the steps to build images. :param pull: Attempt to pull newer versions of the images. :param cache: Use cached images and layers. """ steps = [ FunctionStep( func=PackagesCommands.is_locked, message="Checking if dependencies are locked.", ), FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.build_images, args={"pull": pull, "cache": cache}, message="Building images...", ), ] return steps
def _cleanup(self, project_shortname="/opt/var/instance/"): """Steps to cleanup commands.""" steps = [ FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.execute_cli_command, args={ "project_shortname": project_shortname, "command": "invenio shell --no-term-title -c " "\"import redis; redis.StrictRedis.from_url(app.config['CACHE_REDIS_URL']).flushall(); print('Cache cleared')\"", # noqa }, message="Flushing redis cache...", ), FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.execute_cli_command, args={ "project_shortname": project_shortname, "command": "invenio db destroy --yes-i-know", }, message="Deleting database...", ), FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.execute_cli_command, args={ "project_shortname": project_shortname, "command": "invenio index destroy --force --yes-i-know", }, message="Deleting indices...", ), FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.execute_cli_command, args={ "project_shortname": project_shortname, "command": "invenio index queue init purge", }, message="Purging queues...", ), FunctionStep( func=self.cli_config.update_services_setup, args={"is_setup": False}, message="Updating service setup status (False)...", ), ] return steps def _setup(self, project_shortname="/opt/var/instance/"): """Steps to initialize services.""" steps = [ FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.execute_cli_command, args={ "project_shortname": project_shortname, "command": "invenio db init create", }, message="Creating database...", ), FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.execute_cli_command, args={ "project_shortname": project_shortname, "command": "invenio files location create --default " "default-location " "${INVENIO_INSTANCE_PATH}/data", }, message="Creating files location...", ), FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.execute_cli_command, args={ "project_shortname": project_shortname, "command": "invenio roles create admin", }, message="Creating admin role...", ), FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.execute_cli_command, args={ "project_shortname": project_shortname, "command": "invenio access allow " "superuser-access role admin", }, message="Assigning superuser access to admin role...", ), FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.execute_cli_command, args={ "project_shortname": project_shortname, "command": "invenio index init", }, message="Creating indices...", ), FunctionStep( func=self.cli_config.update_services_setup, args={"is_setup": True}, message="Updating service setup status (True)...", ), ] if rdm_version()[0] >= 10: steps.extend( [ FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.execute_cli_command, args={ "project_shortname": project_shortname, "command": "invenio rdm-records custom-fields init", }, message="Creating custom fields for records...", ), FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.execute_cli_command, args={ "project_shortname": project_shortname, "command": "invenio communities custom-fields init", }, message="Creating custom fields for communities...", ), ] ) if rdm_version()[0] >= 11: steps.extend(self.rdm_fixtures(project_shortname)) steps.extend(self.translations(project_shortname)) if rdm_version()[0] >= 12: steps.extend(self.declare_queues(project_shortname)) return steps
[docs] def demo(self, project_shortname): """Steps to demo records into the instance.""" steps = [ FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.execute_cli_command, args={ "project_shortname": project_shortname, "command": "invenio rdm-records demo", }, message="Creating demo records...", ) ] return steps
[docs] def declare_queues(self, project_shortname): """Steps to declare the MQ queues required for statistics, etc.""" steps = [ FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.execute_cli_command, args={ "project_shortname": project_shortname, "command": "invenio queues declare", }, message="Declaring queues...", ) ] return steps
[docs] def fixtures(self, project_shortname): """Steps to set up the required fixtures for the instance.""" steps = [ FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.execute_cli_command, args={ "project_shortname": project_shortname, "command": "invenio rdm-records fixtures", }, message="Creating records fixtures...", ) ] return steps
[docs] def rdm_fixtures(self, project_shortname): """Steps to set up the rdm fixtures for the instance.""" steps = [ FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.execute_cli_command, args={ "project_shortname": project_shortname, "command": "invenio rdm fixtures", }, message="Creating rdm fixtures...", ) ] return steps
[docs] def translations(self, project_shortname): """Steps to compile translations for the instance.""" commands = TranslationsCommands( project_path=self.cli_config.get_project_dir(), # we use INVENIO_INSTANCE_PATH that is set in the Dockerfile as # config.instance_path is set only in development `install` command instance_path="${INVENIO_INSTANCE_PATH}", ) cmd = commands.compile( # instance path inside the container directory="${INVENIO_INSTANCE_PATH}/translations", symlink=False, ) cmd = cmd[0].cmd # extract compilation command cmd = " ".join(cmd) # convert to string return [ FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.execute_cli_command, args={ "project_shortname": project_shortname, "command": cmd, }, message="Compiling message catalog...", skippable=True, ), ]
[docs] def setup(self, force, demo_data=True, stop=False, services=True): """Return the steps to setup containerize services. :param force: Remove existing content (db, indices, etc.). :param demo_data: Include demo records. :param stop: Stop services after setup. """ steps = [] if services: steps.append( FunctionStep( func=self.ensure_containers_running, message="Making sure containers are up...", ) ) project_shortname = self.cli_config.get_project_shortname() if force: steps.extend(self._cleanup(project_shortname)) steps.extend(self._setup(project_shortname)) steps.extend(self.fixtures(project_shortname)) if demo_data: steps.extend(self.demo(project_shortname)) if stop: steps.append( FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.stop_containers, message="Stopping containers....", ) ) return steps
[docs] def start( self, lock=False, build=False, setup=False, demo_data=True, services=True ): """Return the steps to start service and application containers. :param lock: Lock dependencies. :param build: Build containers if not built. :param setup: Setup services (db, indices, etc.). :param demo_data: Include demo records. :param services: Start services or only the application containers. This option is incompatible will all the other flags. """ steps = [] if lock: # FIXME: Should this params be accepted? sensible defaults? steps.extend(PackagesCommands.lock(pre=True, dev=True)) if build: steps.extend( if services and setup: # NOTE: Setup will boot up all service and not bring down steps.extend(self.setup(force=True, demo_data=demo_data)) return steps # NOTE: Needed in case there is no setup steps.append( FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.start_containers, args={"app_only": not services}, message="Checking if dependencies are locked.", ) ) return steps