Source code for invenio_cli.commands.install

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020 CERN.
# Invenio-Cli is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.

"""Invenio module to ease the creation and management of applications."""

from ..helpers import env, filesystem
from ..helpers.process import run_cmd
from .local import LocalCommands
from .packages import PackagesCommands
from .steps import CommandStep, FunctionStep

[docs]class InstallCommands(LocalCommands): """Local installation commands.""" def __init__(self, cli_config): """Constructor.""" super().__init__(cli_config)
[docs] def install_py_dependencies(self, pre, dev=False): """Install Python dependencies.""" # If not locked, lock. Then install. steps = [] if PackagesCommands.is_locked().status_code > 0: steps.extend(PackagesCommands.lock(pre, dev)) steps.extend(PackagesCommands.install_locked_dependencies(pre, dev)) return steps
[docs] def update_instance_path(self): """Update path to instance in config.""" # FIXME: Transform into steps. # Currently not possible because the second step (update instance # path) requires the ouptut of the previous step result = run_cmd( [ "pipenv", "run", "invenio", "shell", "--no-term-title", "-c", "\"print(app.instance_path, end='')\"", ] ) if result.status_code == 0: self.cli_config.update_instance_path(result.output.strip()) result.output = "Instance path updated successfully." return result
[docs] def install(self, pre, dev=False, flask_env="production"): """Development installation steps.""" steps = self.install_py_dependencies(pre=pre, dev=dev) steps.append( FunctionStep( func=self.update_instance_path, message="Updating instance path..." ) ) steps.append( FunctionStep( func=self.symlink_project_file_or_folder, args={"target": "invenio.cfg"}, message=f"Symlinking 'invenio.cfg'...", ) ) steps.append( FunctionStep( func=self.symlink_project_file_or_folder, args={"target": "templates"}, message=f"Symlinking 'templates'...", ) ) steps.append( FunctionStep( func=self.symlink_project_file_or_folder, args={"target": "app_data"}, message=f"Symlinking 'app_data'...", ) ) steps.append( FunctionStep( func=self.update_statics_and_assets, args={"force": True, "flask_env": flask_env}, message="Updating statics and assets...", ) ) return steps