Source code for invenio_cli.commands.requirements

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 CERN.
# Copyright (C) 2021 TU Wien.
# Copyright (C) 2023 ULB Münster.
# Invenio-Cli is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.

"""Invenio module to ease the creation and management of applications."""

import json
import re
import sys
from os import listdir

from ..helpers.docker_helper import DockerHelper
from ..helpers.process import ProcessResponse, run_cmd, run_interactive
from ..helpers.rdm import rdm_version
from .steps import FunctionStep

[docs]class RequirementsCommands(object): """Pre-requirements check.""" @classmethod def _version_from_string(cls, string): """Gets the version from a given string.""" groups ="[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*", string) return @classmethod def _check_version(cls, binary, version, major, minor=-1, patch=-1, exact=False): """Checks a version.""" parts = version.split(".") if len(parts) != 3: return ProcessResponse( error=f"{binary} incorrect version format or not found. " "Check that it is installed correctly", status_code=1, ) parts = [int(num) for num in parts] version_ok = False if exact: major_match = parts[0] == major minor_match = minor == -1 or parts[1] == minor patch_match = patch == -1 or parts[2] == patch version_ok = major_match and minor_match and patch_match else: major_higher = parts[0] > major major_ok = parts[0] >= major minor_higher = major_ok and parts[1] > minor minor_ok = major_ok and parts[1] >= minor patch_ok = minor_ok and parts[2] >= patch version_ok = major_higher or minor_higher or patch_ok if version_ok: return ProcessResponse( output=f"{binary} version OK. Got {version}.", status_code=0 ) expected_version = major if minor > -1: expected_version = f"{major}.{minor}" if patch > -1: expected_version = f"{major}.{minor}.{patch}" return ProcessResponse( error=f"{binary} wrong version." f"Got {parts} expected {expected_version}", status_code=1, )
[docs] @classmethod def check_node_version(cls, major, minor=-1, patch=-1, exact=False): """Check the node version.""" # Output comes in the form of 'v14.4.0\n' try: result = run_cmd(["node", "--version"]) version = cls._version_from_string(result.output.strip()) return cls._check_version("Node", version, major, minor, patch, exact) except Exception as err: return ProcessResponse(error=f"Node not found. Got {err}.", status_code=1)
[docs] @classmethod def check_npm_version(cls, major, minor=-1, patch=-1, exact=False): """Check the npm version.""" # Output comes in the form of '6.14.13\n' try: result = run_cmd(["npm", "--version"]) version = cls._version_from_string(result.output.strip()) return cls._check_version("NPM", version, major, minor, patch, exact) except Exception as err: return ProcessResponse(error=f"NPM not found. Got {err}.", status_code=1)
[docs] @classmethod def check_python_version(cls, major, minor=-1, patch=-1, exact=False): """Check the python version.""" # check the version of the currently executed Python, as # 'invenio-cli' will create a virtualenv with the stated Python # version (via pipenv) anyway version_info = sys.version_info version = "{}.{}.{}".format( version_info.major, version_info.minor, version_info.micro, ) return cls._check_version("Python", version, major, minor, patch, exact)
[docs] @classmethod def check_docker_version(cls, major, minor=-1, patch=-1, exact=False): """Check the docker version.""" # Use JSON Formatted output and parse it try: result = run_cmd(["docker", "version", "--format", "json"]) result_json = json.loads(result.output.strip()) version = cls._version_from_string(result_json["Client"]["Version"]) return cls._check_version("Docker", version, major, minor, patch, exact) except Exception as err: return ProcessResponse(error=f"Docker not found. Got {err}.", status_code=1)
[docs] @classmethod def check_docker_compose_version(cls, major, minor=-1, patch=-1, exact=False): """Check the docker compose version.""" # Output comes in the form of # 'Docker Compose version v2.17.3\n' docker_helper = DockerHelper("", local=False) try: result = run_cmd(docker_helper.docker_compose + ["version"]) version = cls._version_from_string(result.output.strip()) return cls._check_version( "Docker Compose", version, major, minor, patch, exact ) except Exception as err: return ProcessResponse( error=f"Docker Compose not found. Got {err}.", status_code=1 )
[docs] @classmethod def check_imagemagick_version(cls, major, minor=-1, patch=-1, exact=False): """Check the ImageMagick version.""" # Output comes in the form of 'ImageMagick, version 7.0.11-13\n' try: result = run_cmd(["convert", "--version"]) version = cls._version_from_string(result.output.strip()) return cls._check_version( "ImageMagick", version, major, minor, patch, exact ) except Exception as err: return ProcessResponse( error=f"ImageMagick not found. Got {err}.", status_code=1, )
[docs] @classmethod def check_git_version(cls, major, minor=-1, patch=-1, exact=False): """Check the git version.""" # Output comes in the form of 'git version 2.36.1\n' try: result = run_cmd(["git", "--version"]) version = cls._version_from_string(result.output.strip()) return cls._check_version("git", version, major, minor, patch, exact) except Exception as err: return ProcessResponse( error=f"git not found. Got {err}.", status_code=1, )
[docs] @classmethod def check_pipenv_installed(cls): """Check the pipenv version.""" # Output comes in the form of 'pipenv, version 2020.11.15\n' try: result = run_cmd(["pipenv", "--version"]) parts = result.output.strip().split(",") if parts[0] != "pipenv": # this might happen if 'pipenv' points to a different binary return ProcessResponse( error=f"Pipenv not found. Got {parts[0]}.", status_code=1 ) version = cls._version_from_string(parts[1]) return ProcessResponse( output=f"Pipenv OK. Got version {version}.", status_code=0 ) except Exception as err: return ProcessResponse( error=f"Pipenv not found. Got {result.error}.", status_code=1 )
[docs] @classmethod def check_dev(cls): """Steps to check the development pre-requisites.""" if rdm_version()[0] >= 11: node_version = 16 npm_version = 7 else: # for backwards compatibility with v9 (LTS) node_version = 14 npm_version = 6 steps = [ FunctionStep( func=cls.check_node_version, args={"major": node_version, "exact": True}, message="Checking Node version...", ), FunctionStep( func=cls.check_npm_version, args={"major": npm_version, "exact": True}, message="Checking NPM version...", ), FunctionStep( func=cls.check_imagemagick_version, args={"major": 0, "minor": 0}, message="Checking ImageMagick version...", ), FunctionStep( func=cls.check_git_version, args={"major": 0, "minor": 0}, message="Checking git version...", ), ] return steps
[docs] @classmethod def check(cls, development=False): """Steps to check the pre-requisites.""" steps = [ FunctionStep( func=cls.check_python_version, args={"major": 3, "minor": 6}, message="Checking Python version...", ), FunctionStep( func=cls.check_pipenv_installed, message="Checking Pipenv is installed...", ), FunctionStep( func=cls.check_docker_version, args={"major": 0, "minor": 0}, message="Checking Docker version...", ), FunctionStep( func=cls.check_docker_compose_version, args={"major": 1, "minor": 17}, message="Checking Docker Compose version...", ), ] if development: steps.extend(cls.check_dev()) return steps