Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020 CERN.
# Copyright (C) 2021 Esteban J. G. Gabancho.
# Invenio-Cli is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.

"""Invenio module to ease the creation and management of applications."""

import click

from invenio_cli.commands.translations import TranslationsCommands

from ..helpers.docker_helper import DockerHelper
from ..helpers.process import ProcessResponse
from ..helpers.rdm import rdm_version
from .commands import Commands
from .services_health import HEALTHCHECKS, ServicesHealthCommands
from .steps import CommandStep, FunctionStep

[docs]class ServicesCommands(Commands): """Service CLI commands.""" def __init__(self, cli_config, docker_helper=None): """Constructor.""" super().__init__(cli_config) self.docker_helper = docker_helper or DockerHelper( cli_config.get_project_shortname(), local=True )
[docs] def ensure_containers_running(self): """Ensures containers are running.""" project_shortname = self.cli_config.get_project_shortname() self.docker_helper.start_containers() services = ["redis", self.cli_config.get_db_type(), "search"] for service in services: ready = ServicesHealthCommands.wait_for_service( service, project_shortname=project_shortname, print_func=lambda msg: click.secho(msg, fg="yellow"), ) if not ready: return ProcessResponse( error=f"Unable to boot up {service}", status_code=1, ) else: # We should not use `click` outside the `cli` context, but # the return signature of this method does not support a list # of `ProcessResponse` objs, so it is printed directly here. click.secho(f"{service} up and running!", fg="green") return ProcessResponse( output="Containers started and healthy.", status_code=0, )
[docs] def services_expected_status(self, expected): """Checks if the services have the expected status.""" if not self.cli_config.get_services_setup() == expected: return ProcessResponse( error="Services status inconsistent." + f"Expected {expected} obtained {not expected}", status_code=1, ) return ProcessResponse( output=f"Services setup status consistent.", status_code=0 )
def _cleanup(self): """Services cleanup steps.""" steps = [ CommandStep( cmd=[ "pipenv", "run", "invenio", "shell", "--no-term-title", "-c", "import redis; redis.StrictRedis.from_url(app.config['CACHE_REDIS_URL']).flushall(); print('Cache cleared')", ], # noqa env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message="Flushing Redis...", skippable=True, ), CommandStep( cmd=["pipenv", "run", "invenio", "db", "destroy", "--yes-i-know"], env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message="Destroying database...", skippable=True, ), CommandStep( cmd=[ "pipenv", "run", "invenio", "index", "destroy", "--force", "--yes-i-know", ], env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message="Destroying indices...", skippable=True, ), CommandStep( cmd=["pipenv", "run", "invenio", "index", "queue", "init", "purge"], env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message="Purging queues...", skippable=True, ), FunctionStep( func=self.cli_config.update_services_setup, args={"is_setup": False}, message="Updating service setup status (False)...", ), ] return steps def _default_location_path(self): """Build default location path based on file storage selection.""" file_storage = self.cli_config.get_file_storage() if file_storage == "local": return "{}/data".format(self.cli_config.get_instance_path()) return "{}://default".format(self.cli_config.get_file_storage().lower()) def _setup(self): """Services initialization steps.""" steps = [ FunctionStep( func=self.services_expected_status, args={"expected": False}, message="Checking services are not setup...", ), CommandStep( cmd=["pipenv", "run", "invenio", "db", "init", "create"], env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message="Creating database...", ), CommandStep( cmd=[ "pipenv", "run", "invenio", "files", "location", "create", "--default", "default-location", self._default_location_path(), ], env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message="Creating files location...", ), CommandStep( cmd=["pipenv", "run", "invenio", "roles", "create", "admin"], env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message="Creating admin role...", ), CommandStep( cmd=[ "pipenv", "run", "invenio", "access", "allow", "superuser-access", "role", "admin", ], env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message="Allowing superuser access to admin role...", ), CommandStep( cmd=["pipenv", "run", "invenio", "index", "init"], env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message="Creating indices...", ), ] if rdm_version()[0] >= 10: steps.extend( [ CommandStep( cmd=[ "pipenv", "run", "invenio", "rdm-records", "custom-fields", "init", ], env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message="Creating custom fields for records...", ), CommandStep( cmd=[ "pipenv", "run", "invenio", "communities", "custom-fields", "init", ], env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message="Creating custom fields for communities...", ), ] ) if rdm_version()[0] >= 11: steps.extend(self.rdm_fixtures()) steps.extend(self.translations()) if rdm_version()[0] >= 12: steps.extend(self.declare_queues()) steps.append( FunctionStep( func=self.cli_config.update_services_setup, args={"is_setup": True}, message="Updating service setup status (True)...", ), ) return steps
[docs] def demo(self): """Steps to add demo records into the instance.""" steps = [ CommandStep( cmd=["pipenv", "run", "invenio", "rdm-records", "demo"], env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message="Creating demo records...", ) ] return steps
[docs] def declare_queues(self): """Steps to declare the MQ queues required for statistics, etc.""" command = ["pipenv", "run", "invenio", "queues", "declare"] steps = [CommandStep(cmd=command, message="Declaring queues...")] return steps
[docs] def fixtures(self): """Steps to set up the required fixtures for the instance.""" command = ["pipenv", "run", "invenio", "rdm-records", "fixtures"] steps = [ CommandStep( cmd=command, env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message="Creating records fixtures...", ) ] return steps
[docs] def rdm_fixtures(self): """Steps to set up the rdm fixtures for the instance.""" command = ["pipenv", "run", "invenio", "rdm", "fixtures"] steps = [ CommandStep( cmd=command, env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message="Creating rdm fixtures...", ) ] return steps
[docs] def translations(self): """Steps to compile translations.""" commands = TranslationsCommands( project_path=self.cli_config.get_project_dir(), instance_path=self.cli_config.get_instance_path(), ) return commands.compile(symlink=False)
[docs] def setup(self, force, demo_data=True, stop=False, services=True): """Steps to setup services' containers. A check in invenio-cli's config file is done to see if one-time setup has been executed before. """ steps = [] if services: steps.append( FunctionStep( func=self.ensure_containers_running, message="Making sure containers are up...", ) ) if force: steps.extend(self._cleanup()) steps.extend(self._setup()) steps.extend(self.fixtures()) if demo_data: steps.extend(self.demo()) if stop: steps.append( FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.stop_containers, message="Stopping containers....", ) ) return steps
[docs] def start(self): """Steps to start services' containers.""" steps = [ FunctionStep( func=self.ensure_containers_running, message="Making sure containers are up...", ) ] return steps
[docs] def stop(self): """Stops containers.""" steps = [ FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.stop_containers, message="Stopping containers...", ) ] return steps
[docs] def destroy(self): """Steps to destroy the services's containers.""" steps = [ FunctionStep( func=self.docker_helper.destroy_containers, message="Destroying containers...", ), FunctionStep( func=self.cli_config.update_services_setup, args={"is_setup": False}, message="Updating service setup status (False)...", ), ] return steps
[docs] def status(self, services, verbose): """Checks the status of the given service. :returns: A list of the same length than services. Each item will be a code corresponding to: 0 success, 1 failure, 2 healthcheck not defined. """ project_shortname = self.cli_config.get_project_shortname() statuses = [] for service in services: check = HEALTHCHECKS.get(service) if check: check_func = check["func"] response = check_func( filepath="docker-services.yml", verbose=verbose, project_shortname=project_shortname, ) # Append 0 if OK, else 1 # FIXME: Deal with codes higher than 1. Needed? code = 0 if response.status_code == 0 else 1 statuses.append((service, code)) else: statuses.append((service, None)) return statuses