Source code for invenio_cli.commands.translations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2022 CERN.
# Invenio-Cli is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.

"""Invenio module to ease the creation and management of applications."""

from pathlib import Path

from ..commands import Commands
from ..helpers.filesystem import force_symlink
from .steps import CommandStep, FunctionStep

[docs]class TranslationsCommands(Commands): """Translations CLI commands.""" CMD_PREFIX = ["pipenv", "run"] def __init__(self, project_path, instance_path): """Constructor.""" self.project_path = project_path self.instance_path = instance_path
[docs] @classmethod def extract( cls, babel_file, output_file, input_dirs, msgid_bugs_address, copyright_holder, add_comments="NOTE", ): """Extract messages from source code and templates.""" cmd = cls.CMD_PREFIX + [ "pybabel", "extract", f"--mapping-file={babel_file}", f"--output-file={output_file}", f"--input-dirs={input_dirs}", f"--msgid-bugs-address={msgid_bugs_address}", f"--copyright-holder={copyright_holder}", f"--add-comments={add_comments}", ] return [ CommandStep( cmd=cmd, env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message=f"Extracting i18n messages from {input_dirs}...", ) ]
[docs] @classmethod def init(cls, output_dir, input_file, locale): """Initialize a new language catalog.""" cmd = cls.CMD_PREFIX + [ "pybabel", "init", f"--output-dir={output_dir}", f"--input-file={input_file}", f"--locale={locale}", ] return [ CommandStep( cmd=cmd, env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message=f"Initializing message catalog for {locale}...", ) ]
[docs] @classmethod def update(cls, output_dir, input_file): """Update the message catalog.""" cmd = cls.CMD_PREFIX + [ "pybabel", "update", f"--output-dir={output_dir}", f"--input-file={input_file}", ] return [ CommandStep( cmd=cmd, env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message=f"Updating message catalog...", ) ]
[docs] def compile( self, directory=None, fuzzy=False, translation_folder="translations", symlink=True, ): """Compile the message catalog.""" directory = directory or self.project_path / translation_folder cmd = self.CMD_PREFIX + [ "pybabel", "compile", f"--directory={directory}", ] if fuzzy: cmd.append("--use-fuzzy") steps = [ CommandStep( cmd=cmd, env={"PIPENV_VERBOSITY": "-1"}, message=f"Compiling message catalog...", skippable=True, ), ] if symlink: target_path = self.project_path / translation_folder link_path = self.instance_path / translation_folder steps.append( FunctionStep( func=force_symlink, args={ "target": target_path, "link_name": link_path, }, message="Symlinking translations...", ) ) return steps